Dave Waite Nature Photography

This blog has been created to provide photographers, artists and those who enjoy the creative process with the opportunity to express ideas about photography. Along the way I hope to share some of my thoughts, as well as some of my techinques in creating nature and fine art photographs. If you are interested in purchasing matted copies of any of these photographs please go to "view my complete profile" below and send me an e-mail. Dave

Location: New York, United States

I am a amateur nature and fine arts photographer who was trained in black and white photography in the early 1970's, worked professionally a bit and then set aside all artistic pursuits until about 2003. I enjoy the creative aspects of photography and look forward to sharing with others of similar interests.

Friday, December 23, 2005

Taconic Crest Trail, Petersburg Pass, New York

On Dec 28th My friend Pete and I did a 5 mile round trip on the Taconic Crest Trail along the borders of NY, Vermont & Mass. It was sunny, with just a bit of cloud and a high in the teens. Surprisingly there was only 6 - 8 inches of snow. The black & white photo was taken with my Fuji S602 in TIF format and converted to grayscale with Photoshop. The white spot on the mountain near the center of the photo is the trailhead parking lot which was 2 1/2 miles South. This is a great area to hike that I will visit again in the future.

The sign on the tree says - VT Corner Marker, 270 Degrees, 315 Feet

This shot is taken facing West from the same overlook as the black & white.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dave, I met you earlier today at the Tulip Festival and decided to take a look at your site. I will bookmark it when I get home (I am at my office now). Our group (albanyshooters) did short piece of the Taconic Ridge Trail late last fall after we had spent the early part of the day at Bash Bish falls. We were about a half-mile in with the sun set.

Saturday, May 13, 2006 12:59:00 PM  

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