Dave Waite Nature Photography

This blog has been created to provide photographers, artists and those who enjoy the creative process with the opportunity to express ideas about photography. Along the way I hope to share some of my thoughts, as well as some of my techinques in creating nature and fine art photographs. If you are interested in purchasing matted copies of any of these photographs please go to "view my complete profile" below and send me an e-mail. Dave

Location: New York, United States

I am a amateur nature and fine arts photographer who was trained in black and white photography in the early 1970's, worked professionally a bit and then set aside all artistic pursuits until about 2003. I enjoy the creative aspects of photography and look forward to sharing with others of similar interests.

Monday, March 06, 2006

March Snowshoeing in the Southern Adirondacks

Glorious..... that is the best word that I can find to describe this day of snowshoeing. There was not a cloud in the sky, the air was crisp and clean and the occasional wind was just enough to make the tree tops provide a restful whisper for background music. It was a day that I will long remember for its peace and serenity.

This first photo is of Fourth Lake, it is about a two mile hike North of Rte 29A in Stratford, Fulton County, right near the border of Hamilton Co. The lake is typical of the marsh lined ponds that dot this area of the Adirondacks.

This next shot caught my eye while I was looking for a place to take a photo of Third Lake. It is a simple scene, and what I saw was the shadow of the massive tree with this small sapling defiantly sticking it's head above the snowcover.

I converted the photo above to Black and White as I wanted to highlight the contrast and detail of the snow against the starkness of the thin branches and shadows.

As you can see, there was a lot of snowmobile activity on Third Lake during that weekend. Not five minutes after taking this three snowmobiles came flying across the lake from the distant shore.

I had hoped that the long line of the shadow would add more drama to the shot, but it did not work out as well as it could have. The scene does have good detail and contrast. This shot was taken at Fourth Lake.

Overall it was a wonderful day out enjoying nature. It was an excellent way to end the snowshoeing season, as though there was nearly a foot of snow in the woods, it will not be long before it is gone from the trails and Spring arrives


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The photography on this website is outstanding!

Monday, December 25, 2006 10:21:00 PM  

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