Dave Waite Nature Photography

This blog has been created to provide photographers, artists and those who enjoy the creative process with the opportunity to express ideas about photography. Along the way I hope to share some of my thoughts, as well as some of my techinques in creating nature and fine art photographs. If you are interested in purchasing matted copies of any of these photographs please go to "view my complete profile" below and send me an e-mail. Dave

Location: New York, United States

I am a amateur nature and fine arts photographer who was trained in black and white photography in the early 1970's, worked professionally a bit and then set aside all artistic pursuits until about 2003. I enjoy the creative aspects of photography and look forward to sharing with others of similar interests.

Monday, May 12, 2008

New photos from Christman's Nature Preserve

Hi All,
What a great weekend in Albany at the 60th annual Tulip Festival! I enjoyed getting a chance to share my photography with you and hear all of your thoughts, ideas and suggestions of new places for me to photograph.
My next scheduled show will be June 14th at the Troy River Street Festival, Troy, NY. I have applied also for the 2008 LobsterPalooza, Saturday, June 7th, again in Washington Park, Albany, NY, so hopefully I will be there also.
I am posting some of my newest photos, ones that I was not able to get together in time for this last weekend, but I will have them at my next show for sure. These were taken at Christman's Nature Preserve in Duanesburg, NY.




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