"Impressions-Flora" Photography Exhibit by Dave Waite

"Impressions-Flora" an exhibit of the photography of Dave Waite
The exhibit "Impressions-Flora" by photographer Dave Waite will be opening Oct. 15th 2010 at Art! 200 First Street, Troy New York.
David Waite's long awaited show "Impressions-Flora" will be the first show to open in the "Featured Artist Room" at Art! 200 First Street Troy NY. This show has been a
project first conceived several years ago,and has finally come to the fruition for the artist David Waite. "We are very excited, said Mary Wheeler(Owner of Art!) to see an artists dream come true; and be able to provide a space to show it in. Art and dreams are what we are all about ." "I hope everyone will enjoy my gallery, the artists,art, and shows from now on, I am very excited for the future."

Artist's statement:
Look around next time you are outdoors. Unless you live in te most sterile environment imaginable, there is flora of some kind in sight through every season.
Crocus in the early spring, soon followed by blossoms of every imaginable color carpeting any spot fit for survival, and finally the fall colors so prominent here in the Northeast. We are surrounded by all of this on a daily basis, but except for an occasional bloom that causes us to pause to take in its beauty, we rarely ever really see what is right before our eyes.
For as long as I can remember I have been fascinated by detail, especially detail in nature. My introduction to photography in my early teens offered me the ability to capture that detail and share it with others. With taking on adult responsibilities I set the activities of a photographer artist aside for a season. Seven years ago the desire to express myself creatively again came to the forefront. The greatest lesson that I learned during this time away from my art is that creativity is never really lost, and will be there when the time is right for it to blossom again.
I have often been asked why I create these images. The answer is not deeply philosophical or even complex - I love to explore. For me personally the eyepiece of a camera is an invitation to explore worlds that would often be missed by the naked eye. Add to that the creativity available through the photographic process and you have opportunities of creative exploration that are truly endless. I rarely set out to create a certain image, and quite often I am amazed at the results. I even feel sometimes that composition, balance and flow are offered to me by the subjects themselves and I am simply obliged to accept their gift. In fact, there have been times when I could instead use the word obligated, as if what is set before me has in that moment become my responsibility to record, my own person being simply a repository of what is set before me. I can truly say that in all of this I am blessed.
What follows is a look through my eyes at the world of the flowers, plants and trees that surround us. I hope that you find inspiration and peace in these images.
David Waite
The exhibit will run Oct 15th - Dec 31 at
200 First Street
Troy, NY

Labels: Art, Exhibit. Photography, Impressions-Flora